About Us
RITHIM is a provincial initiative involving multiple stakeholders with a goal to build a best-in-class provincial program for health research in Manitoba. RITHIM is unique across Canada in that it will harmonize ethics, privacy and institutional impact review processes, creating a more efficient process for health research reviews in Manitoba.
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR RESEARCHERS: Please always use the most recent version of the PHRPC FORMS refer to ‘Forms & Guides’ on the Privacy (PHRPC)/ Submission Information webpage, click HERE.
Our Principles
Through frequent consultations with community stakeholders, we seek to support the research community in Manitoba by reducing application complexity through the creation of a new online system.
Many complex applications become one.
The privacy and security of research data and personal health information is vital to protect.
The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) amendments of January 1, 2022, brought a NEW REQUIREMENT for researchers. Effective January 1, 2022, the Provincial Health Research Privacy Committee (PHRPC), administered through RITHIM, is the ONLY committee that has authority to provide approval for research projects requesting USE of personal health information maintained by any Manitoba Trustee, including by government or government agency.
Through ongoing engagement with local, national and international partners focused on health research ethics and privacy, we aim to continuously improve and support Manitoba's research community.
RITHIM will provide transparency through the tracking of applications in the new electronic system and through regular reporting on RITHIM activities and the system. We will review our policies and guidelines to ensure that RITHIM remains flexible and adaptable to the changing needs of the research community in Manitoba.