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Committee for Harmonized Health Impact, Privacy, and Ethics Review

As of January 1, 2022, RITHIM has launched, in order to comply with the changes to the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) and allow for necessary changes to policies and procedures within stakeholder organizations to occur.  To support research, temporary changes have been minimized during this initial implementation of RITHIM.


For the initial implementation, this means that the Committee for Harmonized Health Impact, Privacy, and Ethics Review (CHIPER) is responsible for ensuring that Research Ethics Boards have approved a research project prior to the Provincial Health Research Privacy Committee (PHRPC) review and decision.


The form and mandate of CHIPER will evolve with the full implementation of the RITHIM Program.

CHIPER’s mandate is to provide robust reviews of health research ethics as outlined in the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS2). CHIPER will conduct reviews of research protocols to ensure that researchers adhere to ethical principles with respect to the conduct of research.


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