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Resources for Researchers

Below you can find a selection of curated links to assist in your research application and process.
Parts 1-4 have been prepared by Karen Grant, RITHIM consultant.

Safeguarding Your Research

Links to provide information on public safety, cyber security, travel guidance, and collaboration are included in the below document, reposted with permission of the Government of Canada.
The most recently updated information can be found at

Part 1: CHIPER Policies

Standard Operating Procedures of CHIPER

Part 2: General Resources Regarding Ethics, Privacy, and Research Integrity

Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS2)

International Conference on Harmonisation: Guideline for Good Clinical Practice ICH E6 (R2)

CIHR Best Practices for Protecting Privacy in Health Research (September 2005)

CIHR Privacy Best Practices: 10 Elements

WHO Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research with the Global Ethics Unit, Ethical Considerations for Health Policy and Systems Research

Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research

Part 3: General Resources on Communications

The PRAS requires that the applicant provide a summary in “plain language.” In addition, communications with research participants should be in “plain language.” The following provide some tips on how to write using “plain language.”

Writing about Biomedical and Health Research in Plain English: A Guide for Authors

Writing the Lay Summary Basics (Queen’s University)

Part 4: Resources on Key Topics in Health Research

In this section, we have identified a number of resources that may be helpful to researchers.  Included are resources are derived from the academic literature as well as guidelines and toolkits developed by universities in Canada and beyond.

Managing Conflicts of Interest in Research

Clinical Trials

Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research

Mitigating the Risks to Study Participants Completing Surveys

Community-Engaged Research

Research Involving Indigenous Communities

Research with Vulnerable Populations

Research in Children

Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect:  Your Responsibilities as a Researcher

Under Manitoba law, individuals (including researchers) are obligated to report real or suspected abuse of children to legal authorities.  Failure to do so may result in fines or imprisonment.  The factsheet summarizes essential information about reporting of child protection and child abuse, and provides links to Manitoba’s handbook on this matter.

Research into Rare Diseases

Research During Public Health Emergencies

Working with Data Repositories

Data Management

Open Access

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